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Because every

vote counts

Powerful digital campaign management tools for municipal candidates.

Identify, Target, Win

You can make a difference in your community, but only if you win your election. Serious candidates know the importance of identifying every possible supporter and making sure you have their vote.


First time candidates can benefit from Campaign EA's tools for those new to the election process. We've identified the steps needed for a successful campaign launch and provided online tools and instructions for putting together your team, creating your campaign plan and identifying your supporters.


Experienced candidates understand the value of keeping track of your supporters and getting them to the polling station. Campaign EA brings the power of national-caliber election management software, databases and mobile tools to the municipal election front.

Don't take chances with your campaign by not using the best tools to coordinate your team, identify your supporters and get voters to the polls on election day. 


Campaign EA. Because there can only be one winner. 

I've run for office before
Better GoTV

Your Get Out The Vote campaign can bring your entire election effort to a winning conclusion with on-the-spot voter identification, immediate data syncing and easier transportation scheduling. Drive your supporters  to the polls like never before and get ready for the victory party.

Efficient Door Campaign

Your voters list is integrated in real-time with GPS mapping to make your team's job easier than ever. At-a-glance identification of supporters, non-supporters and issues, makes every stop efficient. Campaign EA prepares your team for addressing voters' concerns on the doorstep. 

Campaign Management

Define your candidate, your campaign, your team, and your goals with a visual-centric approach that is unique to Campaign EA. Instant access to data, presented in a visual format, both informs and inspires your team to reach the next goal. Your team's management approach has never been so effective!



Desktop Manager

Campaign EA's Desktop Manager puts candidate and campaign manager in complete control of their campaign. Access voter information, track your results, and plan your campaign effort with our visual tools. Better data with graphic visualization puts more information in your hand and pushed you closer to your winning goal.



The Campaign EA GoTV mobile application gets your election turnout and voter support data back to headquarters, in time to take action and drive your supporters to the polls. Faster feedback gives you more time to rally your support and get them to the poll. 



Move your walk-list from paper to the cloud. Campaign EA's Walk application puts all your voter information in your canvasser's hands with real time mapping of the support you identify. Update voter information at the point of contact and build your support database towards victory.



Campaign EA closes the loop between your sign requests and delivery process. Map your sign resources with our online tracking system and get a birds eye view of your support.

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Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 6A7

t: 902-565-9004

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